Bein’ Green

After a busy day at work, I enjoy arriving home to be greeted by our dog. Without fail, the cat greets me first (because he wants to be fed) and the dog hangs back a little to then dash forward, scaring the cat out of his whinging.

Her needs are even more simple. She wants a pat, scratch behind both ears and to be taken out to the toilet after I’ve closed the curtains. Her tail wags throughout the whole process (aside from when she is doing the toilet part – that could be messy).
She even looks happy, with her ears set forward like little pigtails and her mouth even looks like she’s smiling. While this might not be the case, it’s still great to see and it always makes me cheery.
Over the past week though, another animal has greeted me before either pet has had a chance.
On Monday, we drove into the car park to see a tiny frog in a hole in the wall. It was very cute with it’s big eyes and little front legs hanging out the front of the hole. I tried to take a photo with my phone but the lighting wasn’t so good.

Climbing out
of the car was a problem as we park quite close to the wall and I didn’t want to scare it or have it scare me by jumping on me.
Tuesday night, the frog was there again.
Wednesday night, I had taken the camera with me to work in the hope that I’d see it in the evening. I was on the driver’s side of the car so I could park even closer to the wall. I wound down the windows and snapped away.
Thursday and Friday night, it was still there (although it was only once there in the morning).
Saturday night, we had dinner with our neighbours who share the same car park area as us. They told us about a snake they had in their yard and scared it away into a crack in the wall. Turns out that crack goes down into the car park.
Hopefully the frog will be there on Monday night…
* Thanks to Kermit the Frog for the title to this post. It’s the number one of Sesame Streets’ Top 10 Moments