Don’t Stop Me Now

It’s been a busy and tough week so this weekend, I’ve been relaxing.

It began last Saturday with my first ever run coaching. I was lucky to have had a session of training organised with Thomas Kiprotich, a Kenyan runner who has won various events. He watched a group of us running, then ran along beside each of us and gave us tips.
Apparently I have potential, if only I’d start running on my toes rather than off the back of my foot. For a few laps around Happy Valley Racecourse, I did just that. Intuitively, it makes sense as landing on your heel acts as a brake. However, it is easier said than done! With sore calves, I stretched and went home.
Later that evening, we were at a neighbours for a barbeque where I explained this technique (they are runners too). We discussed Born to Run – which I had read quite some time ago now – about barefoot runners (watch how children run) and a tribe of ‘super athletes’. I had also been discussing this book the previous weekend with a physio after a run in Discovery Bay. It seems a movement is underfoot so to speak…
Sunday, my calves were sore so not much exercise. Going up and down our stairs was enough.
Monday, I took our dog out for our usual morning run. Even with sore calves, I flew (this is in comparison to my normal speed so should be taken with a grain of salt). I could tell because she was running all the time to keep up with me. Normally she run / walks, has a few sniffs, bolts to catch up and the cycle is then repeated.
At work, I limped if I sat too long and then needed to walk.
Some thought my limping was due to our first fire drill on the Friday. Eighty odd flights of stairs later, my legs were fine but I was dizzy. That said, some were suffering for it on the Monday.
Tuesday, legs recovering and I went to my first dance class. I can now cha cha but not well. I have eight weeks of lessons with work colleagues prior to our annual dinner in January. I’m hoping to be able to tango by the end of it.
Wednesday, legs improved further, took the dog out again. I am definitely faster.
Work has been ridiculously busy for quite some time so I’m enjoying the freedom of running even more than usual. That I’m improving is adding to it.
Thursday morning, we flew out of Hong Kong.
I’m writing this from Phuket.
I’ve competed in a fun run where I’ve done my best time ever and I know I didn’t push myself. My goal was to run the entire distance on my toes and not revert to my old form. Goal was achieved. Calves are not as sore as previously and I’m feeling pretty good.
We were here with the B Family from Australia. Both the men had decided to do the triathlon so I joined the fun run at the last minute. I haven’t felt any desire to do an event during this year but after the coaching session, the improved time and how I’m feeling, it’s back on track.
Not sure what I’ll target next year…
Back to work tomorrow.
* Thanks to Queen for the title to this post.

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