White Christmas


or: Christmas Decorations in the Southern Hemisphere There are quite a few things in this world  I still don’t understand. It’s normally entertaining for me to think about these things yet sometimes, the question remains and it’s good to have […]

Christmas Is All Around


or: It’s Christmas Night, So, What Now? Merry Christmas to all those celebrating the occasion. A lot of Christmas is about tradition: – over catering so Christmas can be remembered through leftovers for at least one week (though the 5.5kg […]

All For Believing


  or: Do Shopping Malls Coordinate Christmas Displays? It’s no secret, one of the 974 things I like about Hong Kong is how the shopping centres / malls / areas decorate for Christmas. Over the years, they have become increasingly […]

O Christmas Tree


The multitude of festivals, holidays and other events means that decorations and products tend to appear around a month before that particular event. That’s long enough to me. In the last few months, we’ve had National Day, Mooncake Festival, Halloween […]