Heat of the Moment


Or: The Great Packing Tragedy of 2017 As long-time readers may be aware (I’m assuming you’ve also been paying attention to what you’ve been reading and have remembered it), I am a fan of keeping things to a minimum, including […]



My plans for the weekend were in disarray upon waking on Saturday morning with a sore throat. While I initially thought this could be a result of my work farewell beverages on Friday night, the amount of sleep I had […]

Dancing with Myself


Three days into a five day long weekend and I am yet to undertake a social activity of significant duration. It’s fantastic and has happened at a very opportune time. It wasn’t even planned! Just to be clear, I haven’t […]

Roll Up Your Sleeves


Aside from the usual feeling of tiredness that I have after a holiday (it’s typically the travel back that does it though it can be a result of a very active holiday too), I generally have another feeling or rather, […]

I’m Free


With the average house size in Hong Kong being 45 m2 / 484 ft2 and Australia being 214 m2 / 2,303 ft2, it meant considerable downsizing when we moved. We intended to stay for a couple of years so stored […]