The Jungle Book

Hi, my name is Mowgli and I have temporarily joined the Shallot mixed species pack. I’m what locally is referred to as a Hong Kong Special though the more mean-hearted would call me a mongrel.

I’m about twelve months old and was found last Tuesday lost, taken in by a man in the New Terrorities and subsequently found my way to PALS (Protection of Animals of Lantau South). One of the women who takes in a lot of my relatives also took me but she needed to go overseas in a hurry so she asked the Shallot family to look after me until the 27th of February. She even had me de-sexed before hand and named me Mowgli.

I bet you’re really impressed that my English is quite good given that until last week, I only knew Cantonese and Mandarin. I’m also quite pleased with myself that I’ve mastered this typing thing and the internet! I’m quite cute, affectionate and fairly smart, if I do say so myself. As you can see, my English is coming along nicely and I have also learnt how to sit on command for when I cross the road, need to go outside or come back in and before I am fed.

I am also very good at protecting their house. I bark whenever someone comes to their building door or the lift that I don’t recognise or when there is a loud sound. I am obviously very good at protection because there have been no break-ins. They tell me to be quiet though and then give me a pat when I am so I’m trying not to bark so much but it is difficult to stop.

In my time at the Shallot household, I’ve been learning heaps. One of the main things is how to play because that isn’t something that I’ve ever done before. Their dog is like my Bagheera and Baloo combined. She is teaching me but she is so big compared to me that sometimes I get a little scared and have to yelp to get her to stop. She is good like that though because she does stop and she even shares her toys with me. I have ripped out the eyes of one of her favourites and she didn’t even get upset. She has also introduced me to some of her dog friends at the park though sometimes I’m put back on my lead sooner than what I would like because I forget that I’m not meant to wander off and that I should come back as soon as my name is called. It’s hard though when I haven’t had that name for very long but the treats are helping me to remember.

Previously I spent a lot of time scavenging for food and you can tell that I’m not very good at that because I came here weighing only 11kgs. That is about the amount a runway human model ways relative to the rest of the population. When I first moved in here, Shallot fed their dog first and I went to eat some of her food because I didn’t know I was going to get fed too. Their dog growled loudly at me and I was very upset but that didn’t last for long because then I had my own bowl! This hasn’t happened for a very long time and now I am starting to put on some weight.

The other thing I’m finding difficult is to not chase their cat. I use to chase them in the wild because there are a lot of cats there. Their cat is obviously not wild because no cat could reach that size if it weren’t tame. He does seem to be able to move quite quickly though.

I’ll be moving along again shortly but I’m not sure which pack is going to take me in next after my PALS owner returns, so if you know anyone that may want a smart, affectionate, formerly boy, dog please use the comments section below. I’ll have been micro-chipped and fully wormed and am really looking forward to settling down somewhere permanently.