Jurassic Park

Today I’m sitting on our couch surfing the net for anything that will help me with my second job interview for a role that I’m quite keen on. I’ve found quite a bit so now it’s time for a break.

I find myself looking out the sliding glass doors onto Discovery Bay itself. The water is quite still today and a slight grey-blue colour. I was told once that the ocean is the colour it is because of Harpic Flush-matic (pretty impressive for a year 10 Science teacher, that department always did seem to have the best senses of humour) so I’m not sure what’s going down the toilets here today but it’s clearly not a cleaning day!

There’s low cloud that is covering some of the nearby hills so that I can’t make out the top of them. From my vantage point, I can see exactly where the construction of new buildings ends and the forest begins. I have no idea what the trees are but they look dense and more tightly packed than the buildings.

I can hear cicadas and a bird that has a really weird call that is a long hooting sound. I’ve never seen this bird, it just wakes me up in the morning and taunts me throughout the day with its hooting noise. It’s my mission to find this bird so at least I know what it is.

Until I opened the doors, I thought it was a cool day. It’s not. The day has a very Jurassic Park feel to it except for the buildings and lack of pterodactyls, raptors, T-rex etc. I can actually picture them in the forest on the other side of the bay. This side doesn’t have the forest so there is no reason for them to hang out here.

This deceptive weather has tricked me all week. I was caught on the first day thinking it would be cool because it had been raining. It wasn’t. The second day looked the same as the first so I thought that it would be warm and humid when I stepped out to take our mini-dinosaur for a walk. It wasn’t. The third day looked exactly the opposite of the previous two. I thought I could hedge my bets and think that it would be warm at the start of the day and cool in the evening. It wasn’t. I think you get the idea.

I don’t make any temperature judgments now based on what I can see outside. I open a door.

I think I’ll take this experience into the interview in response to the inevitable question of “What have you done when things haven’t been as they appeared?”

Second thoughts, it’s probably better if I have a work-related answer prepared given that my role would have nothing to do with weather.

Cross your fingers for Tuesday morning and send positive thoughts – the more the merrier!

3 thoughts on “Jurassic Park

  1. Hey – good luck with the job interview.
    I’ve often wondered what the response would be if, when asked that old question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, you responded: “Exactly 5 years from now? On the odds, probably shopping”.

  2. Thanks Niall! I’ve just got back from the interview and unfortunately the five year question didn’t come up so I haven’t had the opportunity to test your answer. I was thinking though, that eating could also be appropriate so I thought I might say “either shopping or eating”. At least he would know that I have a sense of humour because I don’t think I could say that with a straight face! I think the interview went well but I won’t know for sure until next week when I find out if I’m being put forward for the third interview for this role (not including the one with the agency at the start of the process!)
    I’ve been enjoying reading your blog too – great pictures on there today! Very cute kids and I particularly like the bicep curls!

  3. You’ve gotta hate the multiple interview thing. If, after the 3rd meeting you don’t get it, you really wish they’d have just failed you at the first one – and you needn’t have bothered getting dressed up all those extra times for nothing.

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