Chariots of Fire

I have won my first trophy.

It’s official – I was the fifth fastest in my age group in a 5km beach run last Sunday. Trophies were given out to the top five in each age group. The trophy is engraved in Chinese so I have no idea what it says!

The event was a combined aquathon (which Mr Shallot completed and came eighth in his age group) and beach run. I use the term ‘beach run’ quite loosely as only about 1km of the event was actually on sand. For this I am grateful because there were no children building sand-castles with spades or the incoming tide to avoid when I turned onto the pavement. I also use ‘5km’ quite loosely as I don’t believe it was a measured course based on the time that I did!

As the event was run by local HK people, it starts later in the day. Any event organised by expats tends to start earlier in the day. The aquathon was due to begin at 9am but managed to start at 9.30. The beach run started at 10.15 at a warm 31 degrees Celsius. That’s the hottest that I’ve run in for a while and the humidity was fairly low.

I started near the back of the pack as that is the area of least jostling for position. Mr Shallot was apparently a little concerned that I hadn’t placed myself further up in the field but I’m not one to over-estimate my ability. After the first 200m, I felt settled in my pace on the sand. To my amazement, I then began to pass people. I rounded a bend and was then running back along the shoreline to head toward the promenade.

Dodging puddles, soft sand, children and ditches, I managed to pass even more people. Once I was on the promenade, I settled into my stride and picked off targets one by one. As I was approaching the finish, there was one guy in front of me that I decided I must pass.

The sprint finish was on. I passed him as he was still jogging to then hear his breath over my shoulder. From out of nowhere, I found another gear and managed to beat him by two seconds. Almost a bigger triumph than winning the trophy!

I now find myself wondering, ‘Could I possibly come third next time?”

One minute forty-six seconds was between me and first place. That’s just a bit more training.

My trophy drought is over. Job drought is almost over too.

*This title was chosen as often when I start an event or even to motivate myself for a jog in the morning, I have this tune in my head. Sometimes it’s “Eye of the Tiger” or “Right Here, Right Now” that does it. Interestingly, there was no tune in my head when I was doing this particular event.