Skills to Pay the Bills

After being second due to lack of either Hong Kong experience or investment banking experience seven times (I’m not counting how many times I came third or less) I received two job offers in the one week and have this week been offered an opportunity to interview with an investment bank!

I signed the contract last Thursday (I have been too excited to write a post prior to today) and am over the moon. Not only is this job in what I consider the ideal location in Hong Kong, it’s working with someone that I can learn a lot from, is a promotion from what I had been doing and is with a fantastic financial services / banking company. I’m still pretty excited about the whole thing. It meets all my job criteria.

The even more amazing thing is that I only did one interview with the department head, a psych test and that was it. Admittedly I did tell her that I was very actively looking for work so it prompted her to move quite quickly. This is in contrast to another investment bank who has had my resume for the past six weeks and has only now decided who they would like to interview. Interesting approach. I figure a company that can move quickly is one that I would like to work for and given that they have taken a risk due to my lack of HK experience, it suggests to me that they would also take a risk with some of my more unusual ideas that I tend to come out with from time to time. Did I mention that I’m excited?

I was told about the formal offer for this company on Tuesday and celebrated with Mr Shallot and Mrs Wave (she is one of our neighbours and is a code name for where she lives), two bottles of Veuve and some nibblies. It also meant that I could book myself in to use the Christmas present day spa gift voucher that Mr Shallot gave me. I had been reluctant to previously as my phone doesn’t have voicemail and I didn’t want to miss any job opportunities. I also booked myself in for a haircut straight away. Ah the simple things.

It gets even better – I don’t start until 3 July (the second is a public holiday) – so I can actually have a holiday and relax again!

* Thanks to the Beastie Boys for the title to this post. The lyrics are no reflection of the post however!

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