I Have Survived

Week One is officially over.

Admittedly a four day week is a great re-introduction into the workforce but I don’t remember feeling that exhausted when I finished the usual five day weeks!

The week started with some pre-cooked meals given the long hours that people typically work in HK, I wanted to be prepared. Wednesday night was easy – Origin Night – so naturally it was meat pies and beers. Tuesday was leftovers from Sunday, Thursday was ravioli with cherry tomatoes, English baby spinach in a cream sauce and Friday is always eat out night. Hopefully we can be just as organized this week (I am writing this as Mr Shallot is whipping up a meal).

My first day started out well and I finally was able to wear a shirt that I purchased ages ago. I was full of nervous anticipation and really eager to get started. I was ready early (I am such a nerd) and well on track to make the right ferry. I was due to start at 9.30 on my first day. If I could be so lucky every day…

Met the team, had lunch with my immediate boss and was given the great news that I was to recruit myself an assistant. I was thinking “can first days get any better than this?” I spent most of this day reading as bizarrely, my computer wasn’t ready so people printed out information for me. I arrived home exhausted and over the moon.

Day Two – my computer was ready so I logged in and realised how much companies tend to exchange software as both this company and my previous one have remarkable similar intranet structures and homepages. I was impressed by some things and not so impressed by others but nothing to actually be worried about. The team took me out to lunch at a Dim Sum restaurant at Sheung Wan and it went on the corporate credit card. My thoughts were “can second days get any better than this?”

Day Three – Origin Day and I found out that some of my new team actually follows League too. Not surprisingly, they barrack for the wrong team (though as it turns out, it was the right one on the night though they do lose the series!) so there were some interesting discussions to be had. Most of this day was also spent one on one with team members to learn more about how they work and their roles so I could understand better my role in relation to them. It’s so exciting for me to have so many specialists to assist and that I don’t actually have to do much day-to-day work myself. I even left work right on six o’clock so I wouldn’t miss much of the Game. So exhausted, I fell asleep on the couch immediately afterwards. “Can third days get any better than this?”

Day Four – I met my first ‘client’ this day and while she thinks her team has huge problems, I think I’ll be able to assist her with them. I love a meaty challenge and this is it for me! This part of my job may even involve some travel and given that I haven’t traveled much for work previously, the prospect excites me too. ‘Can fourth days get any better than this?”

So, it’s the end of the week, I’m exhausted but really happy. At this stage, this is a dream job. It was a long wait to find it and at times quite frustrating but I’m really pleased to have this opportunity in such a large company in a regional capacity. Happy days all round.

I’m hoping the gloss of working takes some time to wear off because while I did enjoy my long break (six months exactly) I’m enjoying the idea of the second income, paying off more of the house, taking some holidays and the actual work itself.

I have survived my first week!

* Thanks to Gloria Gaynor (and the nine hundred million people who have covered it) for the title to this post

2 thoughts on “I Have Survived

  1. Happy belated birthday!
    Yes, I hope I’ll be saying that too but that would get a bit boring by then.
    Hope your packing is going well for the big move and I’m looking forward to reading about it.

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