
Filming for Batman “The Dark Knight” began in HK this week. There have been helicopters flying around my work building from about 5pm to 7pm each day which has caused a great deal of excitement among many people. The helicopters are flying low and close to the buildings but the stars of the film are yet to be seen in flight.

Me, I’m not so excited. I’m a hold hand at this filming caper – after having both the Matrix and Superman Returns filmed where I worked in Sydney and being a part of the associated road closures and watching the low flying helicopters at that time.

What has been interesting was when a scene for Batman to jump into Victoria Harbor was cut. Various media reported this to be due to the pollution in the harbour. This started me thinking. What kind of a superhero can beat Mr Freeze but can’t handle a bit of pollution? How can a plastic suit that thick not be impervious to rubbish and chemicals? Who designs a suit with inbuilt muscle that lets water and its associated pollutants through? Is this just a case of wardrobe malfunction?

I’ve since read that the scene wasn’t deleted due to pollution at all. So I’ve been pondering other questions instead. These ones have related to Superman. Could Superman survive the harbour’s pollution, assuming there is no kryptonite, even though his suit is only lycra? Would Superman beat Batman in a fight? I’m guessing yes given that Batman only seems to win because of his gadgets and Superman is ‘naturally’ faster than a speeding bullet, able to jump tall buildings in a single bound, etc

While I’m not yet caught up in the hype of this film, I know that I’ll be there to see it in the cinema. I like the action close up and big! I’m also looking forward to seeing what gadgets he has this time around.

As the Joker said “where does he get all those wonderful toys?” I’m so jealous!

* Thank you to Prince for the title to this post. I would have never thought that man sexy until I saw him in concert.