
Hong Kong has run out of Vegemite.

We have searched various supermarkets to no avail. In its place on the shelf, Marmite sits. Yes, Marmite. Clearly the people stocking the shelves have no idea that one is not a substitute for the other.

This is having massive repercussions in my home life. All in our household, except for the cat, eat Vegemite on a regular basis. Mr Shallot has it just about every day. Dog Shallot has it with her breakfast and dinner as a gravy (she is in Australian dog after all and it is a great source of Vitamin B) and I’m a weekend consumer with it spread on my toast with scrambled eggs sitting on top (don’t knock it until you try it!).

Luckily the Wave Family is back in Australia at the moment and they asked if they could bring back anything for us. Instead of the usual red Ferrari and million dollars that I ask for, I’ve requested a jar of Vegemite to see us through this drought. They’re not back until 3 March so I was thinking that we would just have to hang in there until then.

Even more fortuitous, when I was at the dog park this morning, I spoke with a person whose parents are coming via Australia to HK on Monday and they generally do a bit of shopping before they leave. I’ve put in a request with them too.

Clearly the population of Australians in HK has reached saturation point. How else to explain a country of 7 million people running out of Vegemite? It’s not like many others would acquire the taste. Perhaps there will now be a limit on how many Australians can be in HK at the one time in order to preserve the supply. Maybe they’ll just increase the price and make it a spread for the wealthy. Maybe I just need a salty spread fix to help me be a bit more rationale again.

I’ve bought Marmite for our dog but I’m going to hang in there for the real stuff.

* Thanks to Abba for the title to this post. Steps did a rather entertaining cover.
Whoops – thanks to Nialnialorangepeel for pointing out that it was actually the Bee Gees who sung this song originally. Must have been the high singing voices and great outfits that made me think of Abba first!

2 thoughts on “Tragedy

  1. You can happily have my allocation of Vegemite – could never come at that stuff. Not sure how to get it to you though.
    PS. Sorry to contradict, but “Tragedy” was a Bee Gees song. Still, the Steps cover was pretty funny – especially the way it was obvious they had no idea what they were singing. (In the video they had the cheesiest smiles on the whole way through. You’d think the title “Tragedy” would have been a gicveaway that it wasn’t a happy song)

  2. Thanks for the Vegemite offer. We’ve just been given two jars which were brought over in hand luggage from England!

    Thanks for the correction – I couldn’t believe that I mucked that up. Should use the old journalist approach of triple checking even when I’m sure!

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