Green Onions

I’ve had a week like a tossed salad.

Monday, it started in a manic fashion after returning from a work-trip. With a billion trillion emails, actions and phone calls to wade through and people popping in, it was like being tossed in one of those salad spinners.

By Tuesday, I was a settled salad. Nice, fresh and ready for a barbeque.

Wednesday I began to wilt. I arrived to be greeted by my manager to say that my work trip to Australia had been cancelled due to budget cuts. My mind raced as I tried to work out how I was now going to get there for the following week as Mr Shallot’s brother is getting married on the Friday.

Down a return class business trip, a stay at the Hilton, meeting my Sydney colleagues and up an extra week with Mr Shallot, the dog and cat. Later that day, I had my development review. That’s all I have to say about that except I came out of it feeling like there were too many onions in that salad and perhaps something was starting to go off.

Thursday arrived and the lettuce was definitely turning brown on the edges. My manager suggested that I start taking multi-vitamins to stop feeling tired. I left right on time that day as one of my aunty, uncle and cousins were in town. It was like adding a bit of water and lemon to the salad and I started to perk up albeit temporarily.

We took them to Temple Street so they could eat with the locals and do some shopping. After arriving home at close to midnight, I was sure my manager was going to recommend something stronger than multi-vitamins when she saw me on Friday.

Friday was quite uneventful and I managed to catch up on some long outstanding, less urgent tasks. It was quite a relief to get those off my plate.

Saturday saw me miss a sleep-in as I took up my first traditional HK sport – dragon boat racing. As it turns out, this could be one of my hidden talents. I’m not the most co-ordinated person in the history of the world but I can actually dragon boat. Admittedly my timing is not so good just yet but I’ll be able to do this fairly well by the time that race day rolls around on 8 June.

Saturday was like finding the last cherry tomato that everyone seems to have missed and popping it into my mouth for that sudden burst of tart freshness. Mmmmm, I love cherry tomatoes.

Sunday, for a day of rest we spent quite a good deal of it cleaning. That and watching the rugby league with our pies and beer. My team won. The salad is now finished, ready for a fresh one next week.

Hopefully it’s more a dessert than a salad of a week.

* Thanks to Booker T and the MGs for the title to this post.
Old school video – worth watching to see the original (or close to original)
New school version – wow! It’s from 2003 and in front of a live audience at some award thing.

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