
Another weekend meant another public holiday for HK. This is one of the perks of living here though it does seem that most fall in the first half of the year. Anyway, rather than spending it here we decided to escape the haze (that’s what the politicians call pollution) and found ourselves at Kota Kinabalu.

It’s on the island of Borneo (that’s in Malaysia) and was just shy of a three hour flight. This was to be a trip to escape and relax rather than sight-see or cultural activities. Nevertheless, we found ourselves in a resort that was right next to a nature reserve that among other things, is a first stop for the rehabilitation of orphaned orang utans (that means ‘man of the forest’) and they are endangered mainly due to habitat destruction.

This particular reserve is home to five of them and we were fortunate enough to see three. The reserve helps them learn how to fend for themselves with the ultimate goal to re-release them back into the wild. Some of the older orang utans they just relocate from one habitat to another one that is guaranteed to not be farmed.

We watched them for about an hour as macaques came out of nowhere to join in the entertainment. It was interesting to watch the hierarchy in action with the dominant male sitting at a distance until some young punk had the piece of food he wanted. These ones aren’t being rehabilitated. As with most of Asia, this primate seems to be everywhere!

The babies of both species were similar and seemed to just enjoy hanging around. The orang utan in particular was just like watching a mischievous child. At one stage, he swung himself to be right where Mr Shallot and I were standing, climbed up the tree, tore off a branch and then swung the branch over our heads. He seemed to be having fun and we just had to watch for when he was going to drop it.

Unfortunately I had left our good camera on the bus on the way to the airport so we only had the little digital to take photos. I think they turned out ok.

Back home now and have also had the camera returned. Feeling very relaxed, slightly sun-burnt and would prefer it to be an even longer weekend! Another two long weekends are coming up in May so I can’t really complain!

* Thanks to Madonna for the title to this post. I still can’t believe she’s nearly 50!