What’s New Pussycat?

With everything old being new again, we saw Tom Jones perform on Wednesday night. The only thing new were some songs from his upcoming  album, 24.
I was hoping to see some older women throwing lacy knickers on stage. I did see one twirling some on her finger but she was too far from the stage to reach him, even with a strong arm.

The crowd was hilarious. A range of ages but mostly 40 plus – much to Mr Shallot’s horror. It reminded him that he is to join this club soon and watching men doing the ‘old man dance’ while the women grooved / swooned like they were 18 just added to his dismay. 

It added to my fun but then I haven’t been worried about aging yet.

The fans were on their feet from Delilah onwards. I still can’t believe that song is from 1968! Welsh flags were waved, I love Tom t-shirts paraded and some really off key singing by those around me. I could say more about the swaying and dancing but I won’t.  

Seeing Tom on stage reminded me of my father-in-law. Tom is 69 and made the usual jokes of it. He’s happy and confident with a twinkle of mischief in his eye. He can really groove even though his movement has slowed down somewhat over time. He makes ‘dad jokes’ and women are attracted to him. That describes both the performer and my father-in-law in a nutshell.

Most of the songs I recognised except the new ones. I didn’t enjoy them as much as the rest. As Regurgitator sang “I like your old stuff better than your new stuff”.  

I had a great time but it may take me awhile to convince Mr Shallot to come to an old school concert with me again!

* Thanks to Tom Jones for the title to this post.

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