Wonderful Christmas Time

We’ve returned from a whirlwind Christmas trip to visit the family in Australia.

Mr Shallot’s family were pre-warned. On my side, I wanted to surprise my Mum, brother and their family. My aunty and uncle knew we were coming, they just didn’t know when exactly.

With my gold Santa hat, I was greeted by a flight attendant in full Santa regalia as we boarded the plane on Christmas Eve, having worked until 4pm. To Mr Shallot’s joy, she was in a short red skirt rather than long red pants. No beard.

I kept my eyes out for Santa as we flew but he must fly at a different altitude.

We landed in Sydney on Christmas Day with a three hour stopover. I’m paranoid about missing planes, having had this happen once, which is the reason for a long stopover. It was further extended by a delay in our plane leaving the Gold Coast to collet us in Sydney due to horrendous weather. It became a four hour stopover and we were exhausted. Mr Shallot managed to sleep in a plastic airport chair while I read and chatted with other passengers. Turns out a gold Santa hat is a great conversation starter.

Mr Shallot’s Dad and brother collected us from the Gold Coast airport where the weather can only be described as lousy. Sydney’s weather could only be described as stunning. We wondered if we should stay there instead. HK’s had started to get cooler and we were hoping for a hot one with some time at the beach. This was not to be as the downpour continued for the entire time we were there.

I called Mum from the car and commented on the weather. She didn’t realise that I was on the Coast yet which was only going to add to the surprise. I confirmed where she would be later that day to make sure we didn’t miss seeing her.

I had a fair idea where Mum would be anyway as both our families have Christmas traditions and on my side, it is always to end up at friends of our family for another Christmas dinner. Just when you don’t think you can fit in anymore food, somehow some space seems to appear. One of the other highlights for me there is making rum balls with their daughter. We’ve been doing this for years and have made our own changes to the recipe, generally it is for more rum, less rum balls.

Lunch was at Mr Shallot’s Mum’s place with his brother and family. As is usual for Christmas, we ate too much though didn’t seem to drink as much this year. Perhaps it was the weather. It then came time to surprise my Mum.

From the front door of our family friend’s, I gave a hearty “ho ho ho” before entering. We’d managed to surprise our hosts (we figured there would be enough food given everyone always has too much at Christmas) when my Mum then appeared from the living room. Tears and laughter ensued and she insists that she had a feeling that something like this might happen.

It was great to see everyone though unfortunately, no rum balls this year as the daughter was off visiting her husband’s side of the family far away from the Gold Coast.

The next day we went around to my aunty and uncle’s place for the afternoon. Mum had arranged for my brother’s family to come around too without telling them why. They had a feeling it was because Mr Shallot and I were in town as we hadn’t been on skype over Christmas – I can’t believe technology can taint a surprise! They surprised us too with the news that they were moving to Bendigo. I’ve never even been there so it’s going to make future Christmas visits a little trickier.

Lucky for us, we also could meet my cousin’s new baby and my other cousin was also in town and I hadn’t seen him for ages. Even luckier for Mr Shallot, he could eat a few mince pies and was even given some to takeaway! These are one of his favourite Christmas foods but only from my aunty and uncle’s bakery – he’s never liked other mince pies (that I know of) and tends to not take others that are offered to him.

Our final day there saw us visiting the best men and their wives (they all happened to be in the same spot at the same time) and having dinner at Mr Shallot’s Dad’s place where we also spent the night.

Up at the crack of dawn the next morning, we packed the car, Mr Shallot put the last mince pie in a tissue in his pocket and we set off for the airport. He ate it in Sydney later with a cup of coffee. It was never going to make it to HK.

And now, for our surprise.

As we came forward in the Sydney airport to board the plane for Hong Kong, our seats had been upgraded to Upper Class. Thanks Virgin Atlantic!

* Thanks to Paul McCartney for the title this week.

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