Things That Make You Go Hmmm

Over Chinese New Year and this weekend (that’s too much time coupled with bad weather), I’ve been pondering some of the more important things.

1) what is the purpose of pink camouflage gear;
2) what are those stockings that only cover the toes and then have a piece of lace that goes around the ankle called; and
3) why do they even exist?

Naturally I have undertaken extensive research, thanks to the interweb and the random people that I asked, to find:

1) no-one knows but I have three suggestions.

a) After finding that it’s also possible to buy pink camo gear for babies, I am curious as to what war they are participating in. This site does admit that it is unlikely they’ll have a pink jungle gym to be trying to blend in with so I guess pink camo gear are the ‘it’ clothes for today’s trend setting baby to wear. Perhaps it prepares them for keeping a low profile in the playground.

b) Further research revealed (excuse the pun) women’s pink camouflage lingerie. Lucky I wasn’t looking at this at work, I can just imagine the alert bells going off over in IT and Compliance. The site advises “Let loose your wild side with these arousing camo lingerie sets by “Wilderness Dreams.” Your man loves wearing his camo. But he’d rather see you wearing yours, especially if it’s slick, sheer camo lingerie.” Based on this, another purpose appears to be keeping your man happy. This site also sells camo bedding so it could be to hide from him instead. This could need further research.

c) The final option is hiding in the desert at sunset / sunrise near some water (that’s the only way I can see that the glistening effect will help blind the person that’s trying to find whoever it is wearing this gear and give it a pinkish tinge).

2) no-one knows. I’ve checked under ‘stockings‘ and ‘socks‘. While this does reveal some interesting facts and other types of stockings and socks that I hadn’t considered, it sheds no light on the name of the backless toe stocking. Henceforth, it shall be known as the g-stocking. If it is made from cotton, wool or another thicker fabric, it will be referred to as the g-sock. Alternatively, the name ‘thong-stocking’ or ‘thong-sock’ could catch on but probably not in Australia where thongs are still considered footware.

3) no-one knows. I can only conclude that they are for people who have hot feet but cold toes. I am yet to see a shoe design these suit and have often seen the ‘g’ part of it (or ‘t’) sticking out the back of the shoe a la ‘whale tail with jeans’. At the risk of sounding like I’m over 70, I’ve never liked the look of peeping underwear and while g-stockings / socks are hardly underwear, they are typically worn under shoes so for the purpose of this post, they count. It just looks messy.

The cold, wet weather is set to continue so who knows what I’ll be thinking about next week.

* Thanks to C&C Music Factory for the title to this post. As a throwback to my uni days, I’ve found this performance.

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