Cornflake Girl

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thanks Mum and breakfast cereal advertising supported by a few running magazines for indoctrinating me.

No arguments from me though. Especially since even with breakfast, I could eat my own arm by about 10.30-11am. That’s even after a morning coffee at around 9am as others are coming into the office and I’m hearing all about their prior evening.
The part that I’m questioning at the moment is “if breakfast is so important, why is it, that five times in seven, I’m rushing to eat it?”.
Not only that, I enjoy breakfast and like savouring it, which is why I really enjoy weekend breakfasts. They are long and lazy, whether it’s out and about or something cooked at home. It’s a breakfast with no time constraint.
I’m generally not hungry for lunch after a weekend breakfast so clearly this is more along the lines of what I should be eating during the week. And a more leisurely dining pace probably helps.
I think I should be clear now about what I mean when I write “breakfast”. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and in my world, should be finished by 10am, even on weekends. Otherwise it becomes brunch. Totally separate dining experience and my expectations for brunch are not the same as they are for breakfast.

If there’s one thing I am clear about, it is the time window of each particular meal. I also have different expectations with each meal. They are unique dining experiences. Yes, I’m quite food focused.

I am not good to be around when I’m hungry so my food focus is actually a community service. You’re welcome.

It’s also because if I’m caught up in something intricate or detailed, particularly if I’m enjoying it, I can forget to eat which seems counter-intuitive.

This never happens at breakfast. Partly because I would have just come in from taking my dog out for an hour or so and partly because even for a morning person, that’s too early for me to be doing anything requiring that level of concentration. That’s something to do after breakfast.

Breakfast during the week is a rush of cereal with a banana and sometimes strawberries, blueberries and a glass of water. It will be inhaled in less than five minutes. My water is a top up as I’ll have drunk a litre or so in between waking up and exercising. Then it’s time for feeding my dog, jumping in the shower, dressing and off to work.

Sometimes I’ve made bircher muesli on the weekend and this does satiate me for longer. But not long enough. Porridge in winter lasts a little longer. Still not long enough. Though I can eat these fairly quickly.

I’ve tried the smoothie thing and drinking a breakfast just doesn’t seem right. I like to chew my breakfast. While I have teeth, I want to use them for each meal.

I could get up earlier.

That’s not happening. I’m not sacrificing some bed time for breakfast. I like to be in my cocoon for at least eight hours of rejuvenation.

I could have my breakfast at work which is what a lot of people do. They take their time. I wouldn’t be able to reach my office without this meal though and I already have one meal at work, I don’t want to feel like it’s my second home.

A guy I work with has started eating steak in the morning, nothing else, just steak and he’s not hungry until around 2pm. That would take me awhile to eat.

Congee would be another option, however it takes too long to cook for a weekday breakfast.

The best idea that has been suggested to me (I’ve been talking about my breakfast quandary for a little while) is having a frittata or similar precooked and eating that in the morning. Filling and a little slower since I’d use a knife and fork.

This is the winner so far.

* Thanks to Tori Amos for the title to this post.