On Top of the World

Anyone that knows me, knows I like a good plan. I like it even more when it comes together.

I also really like stationery. I really, really like stationery. A lot.

Something that combines planning and stationery is almost better than my Gran’s bread and butter pudding. Almost, but not quite.

Today, I may have found planner perfection (I am yet to find any bread and butter pudding to rival my Gran’s). I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself as I’ve had to order it and it will take some time to get here.

In the meantime, I have to be patient. Lucky that’s one area that has improved, somewhat, as I’ve aged. It’s still a struggle from time to time, particularly if poor service, no food and hunger have combined to make a perfect maelstrom of disgruntledness (yes, that is a word as far as I’m concerned) as a base.

This planner seems better than others I’ve seen. Partly because it’s colourful. Colour is big for me (and does help to explain why I have my eye on a yellow fridge at the moment…). Bright colours are uplifting, cheery and fun. Colour in a planner (and a fridge) means that whenever I look at it, I’ll be smiling. Smiling adds to my general feeling of happiness. Therefore, colour + general happiness = even greater happiness.

It has a general calendar section with big squares so I can keep track of the important stuff.

I’ve then chosen the horizontal day calendar so rather than tracking what I’m doing by times, I can use this section to write all the great things that have happened during the day.

I’ve been doing this for quite a few years now. It’s great for putting things into perspective, remembering that there’s plenty to be grateful for in the little things too and it always makes me smile when I look back on what I’ve written. Smiling adds to my general feeling of happiness. Therefore, gratitude + general happiness = even greater happiness.

One of the things I particularly like about this planner is there’s a section for goals. It’s divided into twelve subsections and there’s a blank heading section for each. I like having goals because it keeps me focused and stops me from drifting aimlessly. It gives me control. Some aimlessness is good and is part of the “everything in moderation” philosophy. There’s no point in having an over-scheduled life and no time to reflect or enjoy it properly. Progressing and then achieving goals also makes me smile.  Therefore, goal progress + general happiness = even greater happiness.

There are sections of blank colourful paper which I will divide into other sections and I’ll use these for listing and planning my projects, longer-term plans, blog ideas, travel plans, books to read and books I have read (with a bit of a note about each). Having this all in one spot will make it easy for me to refer to and these are all things that I enjoy and find fun to do. Multiple sections of happiness! Are you seeing a theme yet? Enjoyable activities + general happiness = even greater happiness.

The personalisation part is great too as I’ll be able to add my favourite quotes throughout the planner. I’ve been collecting quotes for quite some time too. Quotes that make me smile, that motivate or inspire me, are about reading or writing or just something that has caught my eye.

While I could do all of these things electronically, physically writing with a pen has a bigger impact for me. It seems more personal and I’m more connected to and invested in it. There’s more effort to get it right the first time as it looks messy to correct ink. It’s an effort that pays big dividends.

And it adds to my happiness.

* Thanks to Imagine Dragons for the title to this post. They happen to be playing in HK this evening. It’s a school night!