It’s A Hard Knock Life

At the best of times, I like a good night’s sleep. When I’m about to fly and by the miracle of time zones, go back in time, I like to have an exceptionalnight’s sleep. Also because it makes it easier to remember any last minute items to pack.

I was all excited on Friday night with my upcoming trip to start on Saturday afternoon. I’d been playing music from the 80s while packing. The right music for the task makes things a lot more efficient. Leaving things spread all over my apartment counteracts this somewhat which is then helped by dance tunes from the 90s. 
I managed to calm myself down at around 11pm and went to be to read for a bit. Around midnight, lights were off and I thought it wouldn’t be too much longer until I’d drifted away.
It was a peaceful night punctuated briefly by my air-conditioner turning off. 
Then all hell broke loose.
An infernal buzz started near my ear, crossed my face, did a sharp turn and a repeat lap. Completing what must have been the Shallot 500, it then pulled up and flew higher and higher. It then dive bombed and hit me on the cheek. At that hour, my reactions are slow and I hit my face without connecting to the annoying creature. 
It banked left, did a loop and then another flyby as if to say “ner, ner, ner, ner, ner” and stayed out of my reach again.
Pulling my covers higher, I left my arm out for bait, figuring that when it landed, it would die. 
If it landed, I didn’t feel it but I definitely heard it for the next three plus hours.
Aside from general lack of sleep and how shirty that makes me, I’d feel a lot better about things if I understood the purpose of the existence of the mosquito.
As far as I can tell, they don’t contribute anything to making this world a better place. If anything, they have the opposite effect as they also have the nasty habit of spreading some pretty horrendous diseases.
One friend has suggested that their purpose is for something for me to channel my hatred toward. I think that’s a little harsh. Without the mosquito, there would be no hatred in my world. 
While I’m trying to figure it out, I’ll buy some mosquito coils so I can put all my body parts outside my covers when I feel like it and not have to worry about the wrath of the mosquito.
* Thanks to Annie and the orphans for this musical piece.