Walking On A Dream

I’ve stumbled upon why Japan is referred to as The Land of the Rising Sun by accident. It’s taken me six months to have it staring me right in the face.

Every morning.

Today at 4.25am.

First, some high-level history and geography.

During the Sui Dynasty period in China (589-618AD), Nihon was the name given to Japan indicating that Japan is to the east of China i.e. the direction of the sunrise. The characters for Nihon or Nippon translate to “the sun’s origin”.

China had a massive influence over Japan during this period for quite a few different reasons that are well beyond the scope of this post. Interesting though and worth further reading.

Prior to this period, Japan was named based on one of the ethnic groups that lived here called “Wa”. This word has evolved to now mean “harmony” and is a principle that underlies the general Japanese way of living.

I like this concept.

Though that has nothing to do with the current reference to The Land of the Rising Sun. Just worth noting that one name prevailed and it wasn’t the name that Japan had chosen for itself at the time. They changed.

Now this all seems well and good and is entirely plausible however, I think there is another reason.

Approaching summer, the days begin to lengthen. More specifically, the sun decides to lighten the curtains a little earlier each day until, before you can say “It can’t be time to wake up already; I’ve only just gone to bed,” it’s 4.30am (or so) and the sun is streaming through the blackout curtains which you were assured were of the highest blackout rating possible. The room is grey at best.

After a few mornings, a realisation and acceptance that this is how it’s going to be for at least a few months, a decision is made to go to bed earlier to avoid being 1.5 hours sleep down each day. Others would simply fall back asleep in the morning. I struggle with this as it’s my favourite time of the day. Being awake early is one of my 974 favourite things. It’s before a lot of the hustle starts. Time alone to write, read, exercise, cup of tea and breakfast. No need to rush. Everything in slow motion. I tend to have a lot of energy at this time and manage to do quite a bit. It’s peaceful. It’s energising.

By Thursday, it’s exhausting.

I’m at least six hours sleep deprived by then. I’m not good with too little sleep.

Turns out it’s difficult to go to bed too much earlier and still have a life. Something has to give.

This is why daylight saving was invented. That and for al fresco dining.

The concept is yet to catch on so for the foreseeable future, irrespective of its location relative to China, it will continue to be The Land of the Ridiculously Early Rising Sun.

I’ll wear an eye mask to bed.

* Thanks to Empire of the Sun for the title to this post.

For some interesting trivia, here are some other countries’ alternate “Land of” names:

Land of the Midnight Sun
Land of the Long White Cloud
Land Down Under
Land of the Thunder Dragon
Land of a Thousand Lakes
Land of Poets
Land of the Incas
Land of Grace
Land of Smiles
Land of the Morning Calm
Land of the Blue Sky
Land of a Thousand Hills
Land of the Upright Men