Good Day Sunshine

Cyberport dog park

or: Climate Change or is this the new December? 

Things aren’t quite normal in Hong Kong at the moment as evidenced in this photo.


  • people are wearing short-sleeved shirts
  • some are even in shorts
  • there are kites that are under control
  • the sky is blue (ish) 
  • the sun is shining
  • there are people outside 
We were picnicking with a five month old puppy and numerous others were out and about too with their fur kids including one rabbit. 
It was an excellent way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Having a picnic is almost at the top of my 974 things that I like to do. I’m not sure where exactly it fits but it’s definitely in the Top Ten and perhaps even the Top Five. 
What’s so odd about all of this (the weather, not where picnicking fits on my list)? 
It’s December. 
HK in December is quite cold in comparison to the rest of the year. It is the start of rising damp in apartments, dehumidifiers being brought out of storage and thick jackets worn (we like to pretend it snows and dress accordingly) and some people smelling of moth balls because they don’t allow enough time between switching over their winter / summer wardrobes to actually wearing it. 
Most people expected it to be cold as they came out rugged up and stripped off their layers as the afternoon progressed. 
The average temperature for this time of year is 20 degrees centigrade. Tomorrow and for the three days following it is expected to be 26 before dropping to 23 for a couple of days and 25 for Christmas. Christmas’s historical average is 19. Later that week it is looking more like the usual but ever since November, the temperature has been quite warm compared to the average. That said, this doesn’t factor in humidity or wind. 
The message is, enjoy it while it lasts because the cold, wet, humid time is not too far away!
* Thanks to The Beatles for the title to this post.