
Or: That Month Was Fast

It’s been just over a month since I finished working in a corporate role. As with any milestone, I’m taking this opportunity to reflect on what I have learnt and observed over this period.

In no particular order:

  • there is a lot of HK I still haven’t seen in spite of living here for over nine years
  • I have fantastic friends (I knew this already but figure it’s worth documenting) who have welcomed me back with open arms, some have also opened their apartments and haven’t yet tired of hearing my various stories or if they have, they are great actors – thanks!
  • while emails don’t stop, they still multiply faster than I respond. I continue to not live in my inbox(es)
  • in the absence of structure, I create it – it often revolves around meals or catching up with people
  • I’m surprisingly well occupied. I was expecting more downtime however, due to upcoming travels, I’ve been cramming a lot of administrative-type tasks in e.g. Sorting out my banking, mail, driver’s licenses, travel injections 
  • it takes longer than one month for bags to disappear from under the eyes. One big night out will do nothing to help this process (I have known this for years but seemed to need a reminder. I don’t know why)
  • more random strangers seem to be starting conversations with me and quite a few of these are local people. Topics have ranged from the HK education system through to the history of the walkway from Mt Davis Road to Smithfield and how this was kept open when it was scheduled to be blocked due to a new estate. For those who may be interested, this particular pathway has been in use for the past 2000 years. The concreting is a little more recent.
  • it’s been an interesting time to review the things I do on autopilot and decide whether or not these habits are serving me well and what could benefit from changing
  • I haven’t prioritized completing my websites and writing high enough. While there has been some progress, there is not as much as I had expected. I made a false assumption that I would have more time given I no longer go into an office five days a week. I was wrong. Scheduling will change to reflect this.
  • there are a lot of ideas which I need a whiteboard and minions to help me implement. Not all of these ideas relate to teleporting or time travel! 
  • there’s a gap in the HK market for bamboo straws and cutlery. There is some here now but many don’t know where to find it or why this is a better option than even carrying the plastic alternatives though even carrying your own cutlery is a good start
  • deciding which charities to support at a more hands-on level is time consuming and further research is required. I’ve also been having some ideas about what I may be able to implement without the aid of a whiteboard or minions. This is a longer-term plan and like everything, it starts with an idea. Or 974 ideas…
  • I am somewhat torn to be leaving HK again as this amount of time seems to be enough for me to feel settled and reconnected with my friends. Scheduling has helped this. Scheduling is a double-edged sword
  • not sure how I fitted in corporate work and all of these other things so I’m pondering my relationship with time and how I can make better use of it
  • corporate life is a vortex in the same way as the HK night life is. It sucks me in and spits me out and while I enjoy the ride, it’s good to realize it’s not everything, there is life outside of it and no-one should be defined by what they do or don’t do
  • I need to start sorting out how a client-base
  • I’m enjoying this!
* Thanks to Arcade Fire for the title to this post.