Danger Zone

rum whisky

or: How to avoid a hangover, Mauritian-style

One of the 974 things I like about traveling is being able to experience the culture through local food and drink.

I do it all in the name of research.

Last night, I researched well.

It has resulted in me feeling a little bit sleepy today but I think the sacrifice was worth it. You’re welcome.

It’s not the first time and for sure it won’t be the last.

From what I’ve experienced, the people of Mauritius are incredibly hospitable and ready to socialise at a moment’s notice. Sometimes even less.

A gathering can be of two and expand to however many the space fits and even onto the street. People tend to live in the same area for a long time and most know their neighbours so it’s all very friendly. It can also become quite noisy so knowing your neighbours helps with maintaining relationships in the event that things do get a little carried away.

We met our host to go together to the supermarket and buy supplies. We dropped him, the food, rum (Mauritius is known for its rum so its a good choice), whisky, ice and various mixers to his place for him to then prepare the table.

And prepare he did.

In less time than it takes to have a shower (a normal person’s shower, not one of my long ones), he’d put together a feast of barbecued chicken, smoked marlin on French bread with a fantastic spread (which I should find the name of), a massive salad with cheese with chilli sauce and tomato sauce accompaniments. Another guest brought some fried chicken.

The thing is, we are all meant to have eaten dinner beforehand so this is food to just go with the drinks. There is not a chip / crisp or similar to be seen.

The idea is this type of food will help absorb the alcohol better so everyone will feel ok in the morning since the main purpose is to drink and socialise. The food is the accompaniment to the drinking.

It even has a specific name which I’ve unfortunately forgotten so will need to update this when I find it again!

To go with this, everyone must help themselves continuously. There is no waiting to be offered. It’s every person for themselves.

In spite of it being every person for themselves, it seems that people are worried I’m not eating enough so tend to add to my plate too as well as offering me more. I haven’t eaten so much in a long time.

The drinking, well, I’d been practising though apparently I hadn’t practiced hard enough.

The gathering ended when the drinks ran out.

We didn’t finish the food.

On the way to this point, there had been some dancing, some guitar and traditional drum playing and singing and the obligatory stories told and a lot of laughter too. None of the world’s problems were solved as we weren’t drinking red wine.

Not bad for a group that started as four, grew to five and ultimately ended at three. Great night all round and today wasn’t too shabby either!

There may just be something in this food and drink combination… more research required.

* Thanks to Kenny Loggins for the title to this post.