Where The Skies Are Blue

Trou aux Bichesor: Making Hay While The Sun Shines

Since arriving in Mauritius, I have had some difficulties in fitting work and writing into my daily routine. I landed, full of good intentions. My execution on these so far has been sub-par.

I have been here for a week now and the amount of time I have devoted to either of these areas is pitiful at best.

This isn’t quite true, I have been doing some writing. It’s the work part in particular which is suffering from a significant lack of attention.

It is all my own doing.

Looking back on the week I’ve had, the only thing I would change, if it were possible, would be to prevent myself getting an earache. This earache meant I was unable to dive for two days.

Not diving would tend to suggest this would be the perfect time to work or write. Except it was also the perfect time to spend on the dive boat to take some photos since I don’t take my camera / phone onboard when I dive.

So what have I been doing?

My week has mainly involved diving, meeting people, a siesta every day (it’s warm here and two or three dives per day is tiring. This is partly the act of diving and partly what water pressure and breathing underwater), some writing and a lot of food and assorted beverages. It’s a surprisingly full day while being incredibly relaxing and sleep inducing. I have even been to a concert and listened to Mauritian music.

One of the days I missed diving due to my ear

I have been enjoying the warmth of both the sunshine and the people.

The water has been a little chilly for me at 26 degrees so I’m diving in a 3mm short wetsuit, a 5mm long one and a long-sleeved wetshirt underneath. Picture the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in an black neoprene. Then put some fins, mask, BCD, weight belt and tank on and I more closely resemble a very uncoordinated seal with extra attachments. It is fortunate that all but the fins come off before I get back into the boat since this part of the process does actually look like I’m a whale trying to beach myself. If I had all that gear on, I don’t think I could get back into the boat!

I am under no illusions. I have been having a great time of things and it has meant other parts of my life have taken a bit of a backseat. While this is sustainable in the short-term, in the longer-term, I need to change my priorities. This will be easier when diving is no longer an option and I have no access to a dive boat.

Or I could wake up a little earlier. Or not. There are other options.

In the meantime though, I have a Rescue Diving course to do, some fish and corals to see…

* Thanks to The Lumineers for the title to this post.