Just Can’t Get Enough

Christmas resolutions

Or: Plans for 2018

I have had an exceptional year.

New Year’s is one of those times where I like to have a think about what I’ve done over the past twelve months, how much on / off-track that was with what I wanted to achieve and why, and what I would like to do for the following twelve and then some.

I began the process by reading last year’s blog. It helps me be accountable. While I did pretty well with what I wanted to achieve, there is room for improvement in 2018. I am excited about this already.

My year has involved a lot of travel, exploring new countries, learning new cultures, revisiting others, reconnecting with friends who I’ve met through work or previous travels and are now in other countries, meeting some family for the first time and some for the second or third time and making new friends.

Thanks to everyone who I’ve stayed, dined and / or visited with over this past year. It has been great to catch up in person rather than always online.

There has been quite a bit of diving, some courses completed and some volunteering which has involved a bit of all of this and an environmental aspect.

I have been spending time with live poultry.

I’ve been blogging weekly. Thanks to all those who have been reading my ramblings as well as those who have shared my posts with others.

I’ve read quite a bit. Thanks to Goodreads for helping me to track this. That was a great discovery this year and it helps me keep track of other books I would like to read too.

There has been a lot of food. Some alcohol. Sometimes a little too much alcohol.

My year hasn’t involved a lot of work.

This is the area where I will improve for 2018.

I’ve realized the times when I am most productive is when I have given myself some sort of structure and I’m not distracted by seeing new things, meeting people or diving. I am usually most alert in the morning (assuming a good night’s sleep).

I will create a structure for myself that fits in travel, diving, meeting people, writing and reading while making work a bit more of a focus than this year. The structure will allow for some flexibility without being ridiculous. I will adapt it so that it still reaches the same aim of not sacrificing work for long stretches without it being made up elsewhere.

I will do some regular exercise and some form of physical activity every day to the equivalent of 10,000 steps. Somehow this has stopped and I don’t like feeling like a couch potato. It’s an easy one for me to start again and make a habit. It started again today with a 9km walk so I’ve ended the year as I mean to continue. There will be running in my future. I have missed it.

There will be a little less alcohol and food than this year. I will go back to my normal amounts of both.

I will gain the Divemaster qualification. By default, this means I will dive more.

I will work on my own websites (launch at least one and change this one) and some for other people / businesses too. It’s a fun hobby and some of it contributes to my work. Who knows, this could be my next business.

I will write every day. You may not see it just yet… I did a better job of this last year than I did this one. I can do it again.

My reading challenge for this year (you can set this on Goodreads if you’re interested in doing the same) will be 35 books. I set a challenge this year once I found Goodreads as I wanted to have a base idea of how much I read. I would be reading anyway, I just like the idea of a target.

I will manage a virtual bookclub. This is because I like chatting about some of the books I read, bringing people together and encouraging others to read. It’s my first time doing this so it is likely to be a fun challenge.

My French will improve. This is a tricky one to measure. I will know when I have succeeded. It will mean less reliance on the International Language of Charades. I like Charades.

I’d like to focus on for the environment but haven’t a specific goal as yet. This needs further thought. It is likely to involve sharing more information in an easy to use format.

From the cold salt water showers in Madagascar, I have learnt that I don’t need to wash my hair once per day. I will keep this up. I’m also thinking about doing something to do with reef safe sunscreen or something else to do with the ocean.

I will continue to take risks. This helps me learn and move outside my comfort zone. While this can be scary, it can also be fun. I will remain open to new opportunities.

I will have another exceptional year.

I hope you all have a great one too and meet the challenges you have set yourself.

* Thanks to Depeche Mode for the title to this post.