
or: What to Write About When You Don’t Know What to Write About

I am unsure what I want to write about today so I figure I’ll just start writing and will see what unfolds. Hopefully it is something useful or entertaining (and if I’m really fortunate, both) that will require minimal editing and will come together nicely.

It is not often I lack inspiration for these posts yet it does happen on occasion. These are the times I normally flick through my photos to remind myself what I did over the past week (and sometimes even further back if I’m still scratching my head for material) and consider some of the silly things that I have been involved with over this time.

This usually works because life is funny and I find myself laughing quite frequently at the situations I find myself in or observing.

I’ve tried it for this week and nothing particular has sprung to mind at this stage.

What is weird about this is I’ve had a fantastic week. It has included quite a bit of laughter too.

It has involved limited wifi though I don’t think this is contributing to my lack of inspiration but it does explain my lack of time spent on social media over this period.

I’ve spent an extra long weekend up the coast from Sydney with a good friend and her teenage children. We’ve been in the bush, by the creek (they went in but the water is still a little chilly for me), at the beach (again, they went in and I minded the towels. None were stolen).

We’ve hiked and finally spotted some kookaburras that were teasing us with their laughter and blending beautifully in with their surroundings. The lookouts along the way gave views over water, through to Palm Beach and inland. Then there were the flowers… I miss the Australian flora and fauna at times.

We dined and had some fantastic cocktails (not the kids though, they are old enough to mind the house while we experiment / drink our way through the cocktail menu). The bar staff at the pub / restaurant were impressive and gave informative and cost effective recommendations on what we should drink and eat.

We ate some very fresh seafood that may have come direct from the nearby trawlers.

We barbecued for Australia Day which included Iced VoVos and Tim Tams (rather than the original flavour, I chose coconut and lychee as my nod to Asia and anywhere else tropical). None of the biscuits were cooked on the barbecue. There were also some Cheezels on the verge of going stale so we ate those too. It was not a sacrifice. They were also not cooked on the barbecue.

We watched Hacksaw Ridge and I’m still amazed at the heroics demonstrated by a conscientious objector in the face of quite a few obstacles including rescuing quite a few wounded while being shot at and unable to return fire.

We competed to be the fastest to name the tune being played in a music video. I may have had an unfair advantage there given the amount of music I listen to, the time spent volunteering at the university radio station and the music being played seemed to feature a lot of tunes from the 80s and 90s.

We learnt new card games and played one of my favourites from uni. I’m still a fan of 500.

I’ve slept in and had afternoon siestas and gone to bed at a sensible time.

There was wine and there was cheese.

I’ve read a bucketload and written some notes so I’d remember some of the main points.

I am now back in Sydney.

And now I have written a blog post.

* Thanks to Frankie Goes to Hollywood for the title to this post.