
Dive spirit mauritius

or: Lucky I’m Equally Good / Bad with My Left Hand as My Right

I am typing this one handed. And looking at the keyboard.

For someone that normally types with all ten fingers and no eyes on the keys at a rate almost as fast as she talks, this is frustrating. I have to remember whole sentences at a time rather than partially transformed ones becoming fully complete as I’m typing. It’s slow and cumbersome. In the online dictionary under “frustrating” there is a YouTube video of me doing exactly this with my right wrist wrapped in a crepe bandage.

That’s one frustrating part.

I hurt my wrist while finishing primary school, had it operated on and then had recurring problems with it until I broke it about ten years ago. Who would have thought that having it subsequently set in a fiberglass cast would then be the end of all my wrist problems?

Until now.

The other frustrating part.

The other upside of breaking my wrist (funnily enough, I did this while running) was that it led me to my very first scuba dive. The feeling of weightlessness after my arm feeling so heavy and hot in the cast plus the beauty of the underwater world and I was hooked.

Yesterday I was at the dive centre helping move some tanks and setting them up for others to dive (this is part of Divemaster training) and filling empty ones. All was going well until I lifted a full tank not quite the right way…

So naturally I went diving again today. Great to be in the water though a bit of a challenge pouting on my equipment and helping others the way I’m meant to.

There’s something strangely symmetrical about all of this.

As well as being frustrating.

* Thanks to Arcade Fire for the title to this post.