Normal Person

or: Merging People

Thursday night marked the first time I had slept on my own bed since November 2016. I was expecting a great night’s sleep. I was a little disappointed.

I woke up a few times in the night excited about unpacking and organising my bits and pieces. When I finally woke up properly and put my feet on the floor, my body ached as though it was the first time it had done this kind of thing for a while. Technically it was correct.

Unpacking was already taking a physical toll on my body.

When 89 boxes turned up, I knew it was going to be a big day. Some contained furniture and then there were the others…

I was unpacking my suits and tailored dresses, hanging them neatly about my heels when it hit me, these things are all for a different me.

They belonged to Corporate Me.

There I was in a casual skirt and a t-shirt with some sort of inspiring slogan emblazoned across it having worn mostly flip flops for the past two years and the occasional closed toed shoes or Converse. I haven’t worn a suit since January 2017. I’ve worn a few tailored dresses though not many.

It was a weird sensation. I am not looking forward to putting on those shoes even though I remember them as being comfortable. I am looking forward to wearing more tailored clothing again.

I haven’t worn any green since most of the clothes I traveled with were blues, pinks and greys since they are easier to mix and match. My wardrobe is now more like a rainbow.

I even wore a green shirt yesterday and changed my jewellery for the first time too.

I am a hybrid at the moment.

A cross between Corporate Me and Traveling Me.

Though since I’m not working in an office right now, I’m still leaning toward Traveling Me.

And I’m wearing green.


* Thanks to Arcade Fire for the title to this post.