You Already Know

or: Reminders for myself for the upcoming exam

I’m halfway through the practice exams for the Dive Instructor Course and have learnt a few things already and some timely reminders before I take the real thing in a couple of days and before my Open Water component and Knowledge Presentation:

  • Read the question carefully
  • Read the answers carefully
  • Breathe and don’t worry about how much time some sections take as other sections will be quick
  • If none of the answers look exactly like anything I have calculated, ask the Examiner if rounding is expected
  • If it looks like it could be two answers but only one is required and there is no option for combining them, think a little harder
  • When demonstrating skills, make sure to be very slow and clear. I’ve now been told to do it like a movie star with super exaggerated moves. I like this idea however it’s probably more realistic for me to imagine some of the students I’ve been in the pool with previously who have had difficulties and I’ve been able to help them. I need to demonstrate at that pace. Plus with more confidence
  • Keep track of the answers I want to review at the end and don’t spend too much time checking those that I’m confident of already
  • Role playing with classmates is beneficial for demonstration exercises before the assessment
  • Watching skill circuit videos at any time is a great idea
  • Reading notes before I go to bed on all the topics is helpful
  • Completing a billion physics exams is also useful
  • Chatting with others about the areas they are particularly good at and asking if they can help me is fantastic
  • Prepare well and be realistic with expectations of myself – I’m not training to be a technical diver with the best hovering skills in the history of the world!
  • Sacrificing mojitos has been beneficial – I’ve only had one in my whole time here! That’s got to be some kind of record for being on a tropical island! Coconuts on the other hand….
  • Maybe excessive coconut consumption has helped?
  • Trust that I already know how to do all of this, I have been trained and have prepared well
  • Relax and have fun!

I can see why it’s been awhile since I last took an exam and I think there won’t be any in my others in my near future.




* Thanks to Arcade Fire for the title to this post.