Dancing the Night Away

or: It’s a ball but not as I know it

I’ve attended my first Mauritian ball and it was only a bit like I expected.

That bit was the insane amount of exceptional dancing. Everything else was quite a bit different to what I am use to from various other balls I’ve been fortunate enough to attend over the years.

i enjoy an excuse to frock up as much as anyone. This was not that kind of ball. There were no long evening dresses and men (and sometimes women) in tuxedos. There was the occasional cocktail dress though mostly it was guys in jeans and T-shirt’s or shirts and women mostly in dresses.

For this ball, you supply all your own drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) as well as food. There was some things sold there too however that was accessed later in the evening if you ran out of your own supplies.

Dancing began almost immediately. There was no definite start to the event so people ate and danced whenever they felt like it and didn’t stop until they were ready to go home. It meant there was always people to watch and enjoy their dance moves. They were also easy to see because the large tent was lit with quite a few bright white lights  which also meant it was less likely I would dance.

These lights were turned off at 10.20pm and were replaced by various strobes, lasers and disco balls. Had I realized they would turn them back on again at 10.34pm, I may have chosen that time for a quick groove. Instead I was dragged up with full lighting. I’m a lousy dancer and no-one needs to see that!

We had a fairly early night by this ball’s standards since apparently it ends at 5am! Though that is pretty standard for HK…


* Thanks to  Cheap Trick for the title to this post.