Make It End

or: One reason to keep important documents with you when flying

I’ve had a few nerve-wracking conversations with various officials at airports over the years. I find them nerve-wracking simply because it is totally within these peoples’ power to decide whether or not I’m allowed in their country. It is never because I’m knowingly doing anything wrong.

I am a nerd even when I travel.

My latest incident was at Passport Control when I landed in the Philippines.

I gave my passport and completed Arrivals Card, indicating I was here on vacation / holidays to the official. He flicked through my passport after scanning it, looks at his computer screen and asked me if I was here to dive.

I replied yes as that is exactly what I am here to do. I have been asked this question in a variety of dive sports before and it has usually led to some small talk while they finish with whatever they need to do with my passport.

Not this time.

He then asked to see my certification cards. I became nervous since I have never been asked this before.

Fortunately I keep them in my hand luggage so was able to find them fairly easily. I pulled out my most recent and gave it to him. He looked at it, typed something into his computer and then returned my card and passport. He told me I could go though.

I was relieved and confused.

My travel buddy wasn’t asked this.

Perhaps it was a concern that the Tourism Board had a directive that during that day and the previous two, no boats were allowed out in the area I was going to so he may have doubted my motives. 

Perhaps it was a concern that I may be there to work illegally.

Perhaps it was something entirely different.

All I know is these encounters make me nervous and the more I have, the more nervous I am becoming when I have them. 

Hopefully this is the last one.

At least I had my cards in an accessible place!



* Thanks to Baby Animals for the title to this post.