Talk to Myself

or: Doing nothing as part of productive down time

I’ve just had an extended amount of time out of the water due to weather making the sea conditions a little less than ideal. 

Over that time I’ve done a bit of reading, a bit of researching, a bit of writing, a bit of catching up virtually and in person with some friends and a bit of general relaxing.

It’s a bit of a break after all.

It’s not a holiday!

It’s been great though I’ve realised when this happens again (bad weather does happen in the tropics) I would be better served if I structure my time so I can be a bit more productive.

Then I think that this is just ridiculous and there is no need to spend my life always being productive.

This is then followed by the thought of “who am I kidding? I’m not productive 24/7 – there are those times in front of my gadget where I’m aimlessly wandering through the World Wide Web with no purpose whatsoever”. 

Then followed by “but this is actually relaxing and everyone needs to relax to be productive”. 

I then decide this discussion with myself is futile since depending on if I think I should have done more, the other side of the argument will win and if I think I’ve done enough, the relaxing side will win since downtime is actually important.

Sometimes my conversations with myself are the least productive part of my day!

Maybe I should schedule those…

Thanks to Avicii for the title to this post.