Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime

or: It’s no good just to have reading glasses, they should be used

A few weeks prior to The Lockdown, I saw the woman who normally waxes my legs to see if the hair was long enough as it was at the stage where I was ready for it to go.

She informed me that it was still too short. 

I guess since spending more of my time in shorts and / or a swimming costume, my idea of what is long enough has changed. Lucky for me, it is blonde so unless I’m standing in the sun, it’s not likely someone would notice it immediately.

Fast forward a few weeks and my legs now resemble a blonde gorilla though not quite as muscular.

The only sun I have access to at the moment is on the balcony so it’s not like many others have to be shocked at the state of my legs.

This is a lesson in not putting off tomorrow what you can do today.

When people leave the holiday rental apartments upstairs from me, they often leave behind food, drink and all manner of travel-sized beauty products.

Under these current circumstances, these are being raided a little more frequently than what is usual.

I’ve taken a 50mL bottle of Nivea Repair to use on my legs.

I tried it yesterday and no matter how much I rubbed it on my legs, it didn’t seem to go in very easily. Not like the Nivea creams I’ve used in the past.

Lesson number two, read the label with my glasses on.

It turns out Nivea not only makes creams, they have also been making shampoos and conditioners.

I now have extra soft, repaired, very clean and shiny leg hair.


Thanks to The Korgis for the title to this post.