Is This How You Feel?

or: Laughter is the best medicine but only after you’ve washed your hands for 20 seconds

In light of Covid-19, I figured I should write a few words too so when I look back on this period of my life in a few years, I can remember that it existed. I’m hoping that it becomes a faded memory that I need something to remind me of its existence.

Aside from the shortage of toilet paper around the world (the panic buying of which may have started in Australia and inspired a few, typically Australian, laughs at their own expense. (I’m thinking The Ballad of Dunny Roll as a prime example of this), and having a bit of a giggle too that this is a funny thing to be leading the world in, it’s reminding me that it is important to find something to laugh about in among it all.

Don’t get me wrong, it is something to be taken very seriously. It’s impacting lives and livelihoods globally including my own. As a result of many flights already being cancelled, borders sealed and so on, tourism has started to be impacted here and it won’t be long before the dive centre will be too.

Now, I can wallow about the sorry state of the world, how there have been some draconian measures put  in place in some countries that can’t be replicated in others, how those impacted by SARS previously have been able to use their learnings from that to how they approach this virus and how many countries seem to have been a bit slow in taking it seriously and the impact of politics on this.

I can also think about the people who have already died (particularly those that have died alone as their families are in quarantine or living far away), those that are in hospitals and some who have no access to the facilities or medicines they need either due to budget cuts, a general lack of preparation for something like this or a health system that is already overwhelmed. 

I can think about the people who still go about their daily lives as though nothing is wrong, not caring they may be carriers spreading this virus while showing no symptoms.

After thinking about all of these things, recognizing there isn’t a lot I can do about most of them aside from putting strategies in place for the dive centre, being more careful with my own personal hygiene and where I am spending time (there are no cases as yet in Mauritius) and being a bit more proactive in contacting friends and family who may be having to self-isolate), I can choose to find something funny in it all because thinking about the rest of it for too long would take up way more red wine and cheese than I’m prepared to have in a day. 

There are only 24 hours in it after all.

After a significant period of my life working in Human Resources, I’m not adverse to dark humour either though I don’t seem to have encountered much of that in relation to this topic… yet.

What I’m particularly enjoying are the health messages combined with some humour. 

There has been one group that has posted songs from both the 80s and 90s that have either verses or choruses that last 20 seconds or more. The idea is to wash your hands while singing one of these tunes so not only have you now got an ear worm, you also have your hands cleaned for the appropriate amount of time to get rid of the virus from your hands.

It’s no secret that I’m a follower of the Barbie instagram account and I like how she has posted her self-isolation message too. 

It’s important to have role models in these times.

So while I acknowledge that this is all very serious, we should still be looking for things to make us smile or even laugh. Call or email your friends and family, particularly those in social isolation at the moment – it could be you too soon – they could probably do with a laugh, some social interaction and a break from going through their To Be Read Pile.

That’s one of the other upsides of social isolation….


Thanks toThe Preatures for the title to this post. Number 94 on the Triple J Hottest 100 of the Decade (2010 to 2019).