Time After Time

Sunset in Mauritius

or: What day is it?

It’s been a fairly non-eventful week and here we are again at Sunday.

Lockdown days all blend together.

There’s nothing to tell one day from the next except Sunday since that’s the day I write this. Also Tuesdays because I have two House Parties on Tuesday and at least one webinar. And now Fridays, because I have at least one webinar then too.

I like that word… “webinar”. Something about both the way it sounds and the way it makes me feel a little bit corporate again. 

Aside from that, the days are all the same.

Except I’m catching up with people on random days in between. Some I haven’t talked to in ages and we’re having a House Party too (that’s my preferred app right now just because I like to say “I’m having a House Party”, such a dag) or sometimes Zoom which I’m also enjoying because I like to give myself a turtle background and sometimes just a random piece of coral or some fish of one kind or another.

I’m also watching some “How to…” YouTube videos so I can fix things I haven’t known how do to previously on our website or social media. This is on any day.

Reading too. That’s always been an any day activity. Actually, that’s always been an every day activity.

Same as my coffee in the morning. I start most mornings on an upstairs balcony with a cup of coffee and sometimes a croissant, checking the ocean for whales, dolphins or turtles. Sometimes they put in an appearance, other times, they must be on lockdown too.

Seems I’m more likely to see octopus hunters… I find this a bit depressing because if they left the octopus alone while they’re meant to be at home too, the whole population would regenerate since they reproduce quickly. Instead, there will be less and less and then they may wonder why there are “suddenly” no octopus like there were in the good old days.

I’ve also been writing. Not a lot worth sharing but good to just keep doing it anyway. There are always ideas. Some are worthwhile and others, perhaps there is something coming out of them that will make them worthwhile in the future.

I hope an alarm goes off on my phone when the lockdown is over so I know that I can go out of the house again. 

Thanks to Cyndi Lauper for the title to this post.