
or: Exercise time – No more Lockdown Excuses

The Lockdown Excuse has been eliminated so I would have to come up with some other to not start running again.

I had intentions during Lockdown to walk up and down the stairs a little more regularly and then to up the pace and do stair runs. 

While my intentions were good, my body just couldn’t be bothered and I didn’t have it in me to have an argument with myself to get it together and Just Do It.

Better to save that kind of chat for something more worthwhile. I’m not sure what since I never had that conversation during the Lockdown Time. Good to know I still have it there though in case I need it at some stage.

While it is a little chillier than the start of the Lockdown, it’s perfect running weather. Not too hot, not too cold. Goldilocks would have loved it.

Well rested after about a billion days of little physical activity, I donned my running gear and headed to a nearby football field that also has a beach volleyball court attached (it is left over from the Indian Ocean Games held late last year). 

Having over done an earlier run when I hadn’t exercised for a while, I decided to just do one lap around the combined fields followed by some stretching.


Home for dinner, no alcohol that evening and an early night where I slept so soundly that I may have slept through a Zombie Apocolypse.

Next day was to be a rest day since I Lockdown Rests were not enough – you can’t bank a recovery day a bit like how you can’t bank sleep. I wanted to make sure my leg muscles were going to be fine for the following day.

They were and so I headed out again.

For a lap and a half and some stretches.

Day of rest.

Another day of rest… yes, this day the weather was less than stellar. It was raining on and off and I’m not back to being hardcore enough yet to just run in it. 

Those days will come.

So I ran yesterday instead.

Rather than two laps, I ran the length of a beach and returned. 

Judging by how my legs feel today, I’m guessing this was a little further than two laps but my legs are the good kind of sore. Unfortunately I didn’t have the sleep that should have gone with that run. I woke up for way less than a Zombie Apocalypse.

A dog barked.

Someone went to the bathroom.

And I tossed and turned. I turned and tossed. I tossed and turned some more.

I tried to read and dropped my kindle so I took that as a sign that I was actually tired and decided that a bit more tossing and turning should be enough to put me to sleep.

Now I know what clothes in a washing machine feels like.

Yes, today I’m creased around the edges and could do with some straightening out.

Or a nap. 

Thanks to Spiderbait for the title to this post.