or: It’s time to ship 

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Motivation

I’ve been thinking about this a bit this week since I’ve been productively procrastinating.

It’s productive because what I’ve been learning from the 954 YouTube videos I’ve watched, articles I’ve read and podcasts listened to will be put into practice shortly with a new project I’ve been working on.

Did I really need to watch, read and listen to 954 pieces of media. Probably not and that is the procrastination piece.

It’s time to put myself out there.

It’s time to ship (which is a bit of a bad choice of phrasing right now given an oil tanker is stuck on a reef here).

This one I’m particularly nervous about for a couple of reasons:

1) I’m not doing it under a pseudonym 

2) I’ll be on camera

3) It will be on the internet so it’s there forever

4) People will be able to leave comments

If those 954 pieces of media have taught me something, the first is to get started because the first ones are always a disaster (that’s inspiring, annoying and disappointing) and from there, it’s possible to improve.

The second thing those 954 pieces have taught me is not many people will be watching for quite some time so it’s a good time to be making all those dumbarse mistakes that everyone seems to make when they get started even if they have consumed 954 information nuggets.

So my goal this week is to launch. 

I’ve never done anything like this before.

I enjoy going outside my comfort zone and this will be a good stretch for me. People say (though I don’t remember this in any of the 954 pieces) that life is lived there. I’d tend to suggest if you spend your life outside your comfort zone, that would then be your comfort zone, but I digress…

My 15 minutes of fame is about to begin.

On the plus side, at least my Mum won’t worry because:

1) it’s not a sex tape so there should be less shame brought to the family

2) I’m not sure there needs to be a 2) given the 1) would have been a pretty big deal!

It’s an exciting time and will hopefully help our business too.

Logo is almost sorted, script almost finished, equipment prepared now it’s time for…



Thanks to The Black Eyed Peas for the title to this post.