Que Sera, Sera

or: To sleep, perchance to dream and analyse 

I woke up this morning at the end of a dream that carried on from one I have had before.

Based on various studies I’ve read over the years, I believe dreams to be the mind’s way of processing events or thoughts. Things aren’t literal in dreams though they can be.

With this in mind, I was curious what mine may mean.

I do dream analysis for friends at times just for fun. I’m in no means trained for it but sometimes, if you tell a dream to someone that knows you well enough, it can be fairly obvious what the dream may be representing.

Other times it’s not obvious at all and you can have some fun making up whatever you want.

I started thinking about my two dreams.

The first involves my brother and the first person I met when I moved to the Gold Coast as a seven year old. We are still friends today. Obviously I’ve known them for quite some time now!

The pair of them (as adults in the dream) were encouraging me to get rid of a black shirt that was well worn though wasn’t showing any wear and tear. They were telling me it was time to let it go.

I must have woken up around then so I’m not sure if I had made a decision or not in the dream.

This shirt in real life was a favourite for quite some time. I had worn it to my twenty-first birthday party with my burgundy jeans. I’m not sure when I did actually donate that one to charity. I think it was before I moved to Hong Kong. I haven’t worn black for a very long time now as I decided it was too dark a colour and I preferred to wear happier and brighter colours.

I own one black Patagonia-style jumper and my boots from Paris. It would take quite a lot for me to part with those.

In last night’s dream, the shirt had been donated to charity and my friend was quite upset that I had let it go. I was reassuring her that it was time and I didn’t need it anymore. It had served me well and it wasn’t for me now. I don’t remember my brother saying anything in this one.

I woke up at this point.

I’ve been thinking about returning to the corporate world, if possible, partly because some more money would be good given the downturn in the tourism sector and partly because I do enjoy that environment too and I’m not so busy at the moment (this does give me the opportunity to do more writing etc but I don’t seem to be making the most of that).

I’m not sure if my thinking about this predates the first dream or not.

I’ve also been thinking about how I can do more work for the dive centre that doesn’t involve diving and have recently come up with a few ideas that I’ve been starting to put into practice.

Back to the dream analysis.

It seems that I’m happy to be getting rid of something that I’ve had for quite some time and those closest to me may on the surface be happy about it though may also question why I’ve listened to them in the first place.

When I look up what a shirt tends to mean in a dream, clothes seem to represent elements of the person.

This means I’m trying to get rid of something that is a part of me.

Is it my corporate identity?

Is it my opportunity to write more?

Is it something to do with the dive centre?

Or my ideas about some environmental bits and pieces I could be doing with the dive centre?

In any case, it doesn’t matter but it’s good fun trying to figure it out!

As one of my Aunties, Doris Day, Elvis and quite a few others would sing “Que sera sera…whatever will be, will be”.



Thanks to Doris Day for the title to this post.