Smoke On The Water

or: Is a BBQ with no smoke in the eyes really a BBQ at all?


Beach, camping, barbecue, cosy home fireplace, ski lodge.

Fire combining any of these, eg beach barbecue, camping at the beach, cosy home fireplace with marshmallows and pretending it’s camping, etc, is even better.

In fact, it’s one of my favourite things to do, regardless of the country that I am in.

I’ve enjoyed all of this since my childhood and as such, have had the opportunity to be involved with quite a few fires.

The thing that I’ve noticed over this extensive period of fire study, is that the smoke is invariable attracted to wherever I happen to be standing.

It doesn’t seem to matter if I am upwind, the wind will shift and naturally, the smoke will follow.

There can even be some form of barrier around the fire and the smoke will still find me.

I can move and the smoke will follow.

I am the Smoke Whisperer only it seems to do the exact opposite of what I say. Like the smoke is two years old and I’m its parent. Or it’s a teenager in its rebellious phase and I’m any authority figure. 

Whatever, it doesn’t listen to me.

Except this week it did.

It was such a monumental occasion that I commented on it at the time.

This night is now known as The Night the Smoke Listened.

It started as any other barbecue at the beach might start. There was wood, charcoal and a bit of paper to light (I’m not in Guides or Scouts now so we’re allowed to help the fire starting process a bit). The fire started immediately, and coincided with a breeze picking up that came straight past me, and through the fire and over the sea.

This would normally be the cue for the wind to shift and blow the whole smoking lot back in my face just before the fire would take off properly.

It didn’t.

The fire was well underway and we put the grill down with our meat.

This is the second cue for the wind to switch direction.

It didn’t.

The meat was beautifully cooked.

The fire died down and we ate overlooking the sea with no smoke in my eyes at all.

It’s another Pre-Christmas Miracle.


Thanks to Deep Purple for the title to this post.