Buttered Popcorn

or: When the food looks good

I went to the movies on Friday night for the first time since our lockdown ended.

It took me some time since I haven’t really been interested in going as I haven’t kept up with any release dates of movies as they all either shifted or were cancelled. 

I went to a cinema that I hadn’t been to before and one of the things I’ve learnt as a result is that I always should ask if the popcorn is savoury / salty or sweet.

For me, the movies and salted popcorn are a match made in heaven. I may have a slight problem with popcorn and movies to the extent that I find it very difficult to share any regardless of the size tub I buy. 

I’m also able to finish a substantial portion before the movie even starts so I try to limit myself by now only buying a small popcorn and trying not to eat any until the movie actually starts.

Unless there are a billion previews because that may as well be a movie.

Anyway, lesson learnt. 

I had sweet popcorn, I shared some and still managed to eat the rest. I did manage to wait until the movie started before I ate most of it.

After the movie, we went to a local hotel for some dessert and coffee (decaf kind as I wouldn’t sleep otherwise).

I haven’t been to a hotel restaurant since I left HK and here I was, sitting in one on the waterfront of the Mauritius harbour looking at the decor and wondering if they did High Tea here too.

It was that kind of a restaurant.

Our coffees came out on individual silver platters with a small glass bottle of water and glass by the side. It looked beautiful. It was so beautiful that I even told the waitress that I thought so. 

So I did what any HK person would do in this situation.

I took out my phone and took a photo.

And another.

And another.

A couple of minutes later, the desserts arrived.

I had ordered a lemon tart.

Also beautiful.

Again I told the waitress.

Again my phone came out. 

And I took a photo.

And another.

And another.

And a couple more.

In HK there is an expression “the phone must eat before the people eat”.

So my phone ate.

My friends and I then chatted about the film and we ate and drank.

This all goes to prove that you can take the girl out of HK but you can’t take the HK out of the girl.


Thanks to The Supremes for the title to this post.