This Time It Was Really Right

or: Our second lockdown is nearly over

As expected, the lockdown was extended.

Unexpectedly, we were told two days before the first one was due to end. Prior to this instance, it was usually the day before when we were thinking we were almost there and bam… another two weeks.

The other unexpected part was the extension this time is for a week rather than two or more.

It looks like the government is sticking to this (at this stage) too even though the case numbers haven’t really gone down as contact tracing has continued. I’m basing this on the information release of what activities will be allowed after the 31 March. Individual sports will then be ok however diving still isn’t on the list.

Our wait continues…

I’m cautiously optimistic that we may only need to wait another week as that was how long it was the first time.

I hope this is the case though even though I want to be in the water again, and our business needs to open sooner rather than later, I don’t feel quite as desperate as I did last time.

This could be because:

  • this lockdown is considerably shorter at 3 weeks rather than 4 months
  • I haven’t paid as close attention to the media as what I did the first time and have accepted that I’m not able to understand a lot of it so have relied on second-hand news and then researched as needed
  • I’ve been leaving the house to go shopping on our allocated days and have taken the opportunity to take the longer, beach-side drive back home again
  • I haven’t need to resort to alternate leg hair removal though it’s getting close! 
  • I’ve been occupying my time a little bit differently with my focus on achievements over the whole period rather than specific tasks

Whatever the reason, I’m feeling pretty content with the length of this one so far.

Not sure how I’ll be though if there’s another extension or we have to wait too much longer before diving again!


Thanks to Jon Anderson for the title to this post. You may remember the tune from St Elmo’s Fire. An awesome movie though not without its detractors… Also a fabulous soundtrack. There should be no detractors for that!