About Me

In 2007, I left Sydney, Australia for Hong Kong.  I had a husband, a dog and a cat.

I had some great corporate roles while there (with a lot of opportunity for both work and personal travel) and met many interesting people, ate a lot of good food, read many books, and learnt heaps.

Since then, I lived in Tokyo for a year, had a few years travelling and now I’m living in Mauritius. Still meeting many interesting people, eating a lot of good food, reading many books and learning heaps.

I now have a new husband, an ex-husband and no dog or cat.

Both pets lived to a ripe old age and while it was sad to see our dog die, there was never any love lost between this particular cat and me.

I enjoy traveling (in case you hadn’t guessed), diving, wine (with cheese and biscuits) and spending time with family and friends.

I’m now out of the corporate world and spending most of my time at our dive centre or underwater.

You never know what opportunities are going to come around so it’s great to say yes to as many as possible!