On Top of the World


Anyone that knows me, knows I like a good plan. I like it even more when it comes together. I also really like stationery. I really, really like stationery. A lot. Something that combines planning and stationery is almost better […]

The Riddle


I’ve been told by those more experience in life than myself that it is harder to be surprised as you age. I have found the exact opposite to be true. Every day, I’m surprised by multiple things and some of […]

Special Needs


The original version One of the 974 things I really like about Hong Kong is the option to have things custom made. Everything you can possibly imagine can be bespoke. Furniture, clothing, shoes, keys, housing, stationery, copies of anything with […]

More Than You Thought


Today I joined a breakfast buddy for the most important meal of the day. Classy venue, it even had its own branded reed infuser in the bathroom. That’s my new gauge of a classy venue. As is customary, we asked […]

Cornflake Girl


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thanks Mum and breakfast cereal advertising supported by a few running magazines for indoctrinating me. No arguments from me though. Especially since even with breakfast, I could eat my own arm […]



It’s no secret, I’m not a fan of doctors or hospitals. My party pack even came with a message Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like doctors personally; I just don’t like going. It rarely seems to […]

The Way It Is


One of the 974 things I like about Hong Kong is the public transport. It is so incredibly reliable that if a train is delayed by more than five minutes, for whatever the reason, it makes the news. The Mass […]