Green Onions

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I’ve had a week like a tossed salad. Monday, it started in a manic fashion after returning from a work-trip. With a billion trillion emails, actions and phone calls to wade through and people popping in, it was like being […]

Gangsta Gangsta


I’ve spent the past week in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a training course. That was great but not what this post is about. This post is about one of the nights. A group of us decided to go for a […]



Another weekend meant another public holiday for HK. This is one of the perks of living here though it does seem that most fall in the first half of the year. Anyway, rather than spending it here we decided to […]



The transition to summer has begun. Aside from the obvious change in month and that it is gradually becoming warmer; the humidity is the true indicator in HK. It is the humidity that is also what makes summer here almost […]

Jingle Bells


For the past week, I’ve been waking up with thoughts of Christmas. I’m expecting to hear Santa with the familiar “ho, ho, ho” greeting. It’s because of our cat’s weight loss. Many years ago, we accidentally made our cat obese. […]

The Modern Things


Scaffolding in HK is done with bamboo. While at first this seems to present a safety issue, it is actually stronger than using steel. Not only that, it is by far more attractive. It’s also difficult to imagine Jackie Chan […]

Cheap Wine

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The 2008-2009 Hong Kong budget was released earlier this week. This is generally not something that I would be particularly interested in except this budget directly affects me and every other individual who consumes a little more alcohol than they […]


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Hong Kong has run out of Vegemite. We have searched various supermarkets to no avail. In its place on the shelf, Marmite sits. Yes, Marmite. Clearly the people stocking the shelves have no idea that one is not a substitute […]


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There is a pilgrimage that all people new to Hong Kong make within the first week of relocating. If it’s done well, this pilgrimage may never have to happen again. If it is done badly, the pilgrimage will occur weekly […]