Left Alone


or: I’ve Finally Had A Pub Lunch – Alone It surprises me there’s some things that I’m still reluctant to do by myself. It’s not often (anymore) that I’m aware of it until I realise I’m putting off doing something […]

Dumb Things


or: It’s Always A Good Idea To Check Visa Requirements I’ve become complacent. Traveling on the number 6 best passport (for the curious, Germany and Singapore are first) has contributed to this. In most countries, I am able to wander […]

Danger Zone


or: How to avoid a hangover, Mauritian-style One of the 974 things I like about traveling is being able to experience the culture through local food and drink. I do it all in the name of research. Last night, I […]

Flesh and Bone


or: It’s Hard to Be Funny When You Feel Lousy I am less than stellar at being sick. The first thing to go is my sense of humour. Even if no-one else laughs at something I’ve said, I can make […]

Hand to Hold Onto


or: No “Goodbyes”, Only “See You Laters” Today is the last day of our expedition. For the past few days, we’ve ridden massive waves of emotion (we’ve also ridden massive waves in pirogues while whale watching) from unexpectedly having the […]



Or: The Simple Things We have no electricity. This also means we have no running water as it comes to our huts through a pump. The pump is electric. The whole village hasn’t had electricity since Thursday. They have had […]

A Different Feeling


or: The Struggle is Real I’m not new to dressing in costume and pretending I’m something or someone I’m not. I put this down to quite a few outings to the HK Sevens, various annual dinners and the HK tradition […]

Orinoco Flow


Or: Some Reasons Why I Like the Ocean I’ve been spending a lot of time in the ocean lately.  It’s been an interesting challenge to memorise 191 fishes (including the various stages of some which change colour and / or […]

Fine Time


or: Sport – the other international language Every afternoon, many of the men from the local village in Madagascar (where I am at the moment) gather for some serious business. They are not the village elders. They are a younger […]