Heat of the Moment


Or: The Great Packing Tragedy of 2017 As long-time readers may be aware (I’m assuming you’ve also been paying attention to what you’ve been reading and have remembered it), I am a fan of keeping things to a minimum, including […]



Or: That Month Was Fast It’s been just over a month since I finished working in a corporate role. As with any milestone, I’m taking this opportunity to reflect on what I have learnt and observed over this period. In […]

Kung Hei Fat Choi


Or: Pole Dancing Lions are Pretty Impressive As with every Chinese New Year (CNY) for the past six or so years, I have left my usual residence to experience another area’s festivities. Usually that area is Shanghai. This year, it’s […]

Monster Hospital


or: Great excuse for a holiday I have now participated in one of tourism’s growing trends – medical tourism. I’m a prime candidate given my love of travel though many others opt for it for various other reasons including a […]