The Way It Is


Or – There’s An Upside to the Downside and Not Just with Elevators, Escalators and Stairs Good things come out of some unlikely situations. One of those being not remembering to check the visa situation for a country when I […]

Back to the Future


or Doraemon Takes Over Roppongi Hills Doraemon is an icon of Japanese culture, I have seen him on posters advertising various things (I can’t read yet what exactly) and on different products yet I was unsure what he actually is. […]



or Where The Other Half Who Weren’t Chasing Pokemon Were in Tokyo This Weekend While a portion of Tokyo took the first weekend since the Pokemon Go launch to track them down, there were quite a few others attending the […]

Pedestrian at Best


It’s possible to determine how long someone has been in Japan based on what I will now refer to as “The Hello Kitty Index”. It’s a sliding scale based on apples. Apples because that’s how Hello Kitty‘s height and weight […]

Fashion Fits


This is my tenth summer living in Asia and I’ve finally succumbed. Hong Kong summers are ridiculously hot and have a level of humidity that turns my hair into a lion’s mane or has it stuck flat to my head […]

Ask For Answers


As the news of Brexit continues and the world awaits to see the far-reaching impact, I’ve decided to support both England and Germany. Ok, that’s not entirely true. I’m supporting them by accident. They just happen to be the exporters […]

Mr Roboto


Q – When is a restaurant not a restaurant? A – When it is the Robot Restaurant. Click the above link for a video after you’ve finished reading. Downtown Shinjuku hosts the misnamed venue in one of it’s many, many […]

Harajuku Girls


There are a lot of surprising things about Tokyo. That itself shouldn’t be surprising given it is a totally different culture to anywhere I have lived. It was very well illustrated after we finished dinner last night. The surprise results […]

Walking On A Dream


I’ve stumbled upon why Japan is referred to as The Land of the Rising Sun by accident. It’s taken me six months to have it staring me right in the face. Every morning. Today at 4.25am. First, some high-level history […]