Perfect Day


or: One of my Top 3 Camping Trips It’s been years since I’ve camped and early this week, my camping drought was broken. It was only for one night however it is easily one of the best camping trips I’ve […]



or: Judging a restaurant by how it serves its condiments Everyone that moves locations, whether a neighbourhood, state / province or country, always has various foods and / or cafes / restaurants they miss from their former location(s). I have […]

Buttered Popcorn


or: When the food looks good I went to the movies on Friday night for the first time since our lockdown ended. It took me some time since I haven’t really been interested in going as I haven’t kept up […]

Smoke On The Water


or: Is a BBQ with no smoke in the eyes really a BBQ at all? Fire. Beach, camping, barbecue, cosy home fireplace, ski lodge. Fire combining any of these, eg beach barbecue, camping at the beach, cosy home fireplace with […]

Promised You a Miracle


or: Breaking a New Year Resolution with no excuses I broke it. I broke it and only considered breaking it or not for about 0.125 of a second. According to my Book Buying Resolution for the New Year, I gave […]

Surprise, Surprise


or: Every dive there is something a little bit unexpected. On some dives, there is something massively unexpected. Like many of my Sundays, I spent this morning underwater.  It’s one of my favourite ways to spend a morning. It’s relaxing, […]



or: Almost a year living in Mauritius Later this month is my one year anniversary of my permanent relocation to Mauritius. Naturally it’s time for a bit of reflection. This is my second country relocation that I have seen as […]



or: Tomato sauce and mayonnaise – it’s a match One of the 974 things I enjoy doing is trying food from all around the world, different cultures and even simply, different families (everyone has a different way to cook spaghetti […]

Lucky Me


or: Birthdays are a good reminder to thank all the brilliant people My Birthday Festival this year is another one that will be in my memory for a very long time. It was my first birthday in Mauritius and I […]