The Lovecats

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Two Mondays ago saw us catch the Airport Express to the Asia World Expo Arena. It’s the equivalent of the Sydney Entertainment Centre combined with the Convention Halls at Darling Harbour holding concerts as well as pet expos and the […]

Not Enough Time


It’s the end of week 3. Work days in HK are long. I’m one of the lucky few who can actually leave their place of employment at 6.30 and not look too bad for having done it. I like to […]

I Have Survived

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Week One is officially over. Admittedly a four day week is a great re-introduction into the workforce but I don’t remember feeling that exhausted when I finished the usual five day weeks! The week started with some pre-cooked meals given […]

Hot in the City


As we had been warned when we arrived, it does get hot and humid in Hong Kong and this is the start of it. I’ve changed my dog walking routine to ensure that I’m inside for the hottest part of […]

Chariots of Fire


I have won my first trophy.It’s official – I was the fifth fastest in my age group in a 5km beach run last Sunday. Trophies were given out to the top five in each age group. The trophy is engraved […]

Why Worry

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I’ve been actively looking for work since Chinese New Year – for me, this is a long time. The recruitment agencies have advised me to be patient as the process is long in HK. Companies tend to average about eight […]