Nano lego pink panther with drink

This is it


Or: Practicing retirement Lockdown Day 156… I’ve lost count, it could just be 34 or 922… it doesn’t matter. It’s fortunate that I know it’s Sunday so I don’t miss out on posting for the week. I haven’t left the […]

Hair removal cream over legs

It’s a kind of magic


Or: When it’s just too long, it has to go Our lockdown has been extended again. Our new last date is Monday 4 May. I’m not getting my hopes up since we’ve had a few extensions already. What this means […]

My List


Or: Setting goals in the lockdown As of 2 April, our lockdown rules changed. This was also the day our lockdown officially extended from 14 days to 26 days (it now ends on 15 April). The only thing we are […]

Over My Head


or: Bellybutton gazing during a lockdown This will be a toilet paper free post in sympathy with all those who have been unable to buy any. Instead, it will be a post about some random thoughts. Much like my usual […]

Is This How You Feel?


or: Laughter is the best medicine but only after you’ve washed your hands for 20 seconds In light of Covid-19, I figured I should write a few words too so when I look back on this period of my life […]

Black or white


or: People and fish have something in common I’ve been scrolling through my photos for this past week trying to decide what I would write. I’ve realised that I take a massive amount of underwater photos (that’s not a surprise), […]

Barbie Girl


or: When a childhood favourite has an Instagram account I like a bit of silliness and one spot I find it is in one of my favourite accounts on Instagram. This account is a perfect blend of one of my […]



or: Not all icecream is created equal Most of us who have either lived or traveled to warmer parts of the world have indulged in a roadside ice-cream sold from within an icecream van a la Mr Whippy, Mr Wimpy […]

For the Longest Time


or: All good things come to those who wait and complete the necessary paperwork My things are almost in Mauritius! <<Insert happy dance here>> I have my resident’s permit, I’ve visited customs to sort out their paperwork and the next […]